



Where every sip brings us together

Who are we?

Our mission is to provide employment opportunities for adults with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

At The Grateful Mug we believe in creating a warm, inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and welcomed. Our philosophy is centered around community, quality, and kindness, ensuring that our café not only serves excellent baked goods and beverages but also fosters meaningful connections and supports local initiatives. Encouraging a supportive and engaging environment where all individuals can showcase their talents, build confidence, and achieve their fullest potential.

Why The Grateful Mug? 

The café will serve as a community hub that raises awareness and and acceptance while fostering understanding about the abilities and contributions of people with disabilities.

Make a Difference ~ Give today

Make a Difference ~ Give today ⁎

Why give?

The answer is simple … We want the support and encouragement from the community to better the lives of these adults with different abilities.  We are in the process of opening this café as a 501 C3 non-profit organization* to provide stable employment for this growing population.

This unique business plan can meet the needs of every individual with a disability.  Whether they work for 10 minutes, 3 hours, or 20 hours a week … we will provide training and support to ensure that they have fulfilling lives and can answer that inevitable question of  “Where do you work?” with beaming pride.

*fiscal agent with Harwich Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation 501C3

Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events 〰️

We see you … and you are doing great!!

Dear Families of loved ones with Different Abilities,

You are not in this journey alone. We are your village, your tribe, your extended family … here to embrace, rejoice, cry, and create beautiful moments.


The Grateful Mug

Connect with us!!

The Inclusive

Coffee Shop

on Cape Cod

Shana Grogan
